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29 janvier 2008 2 29 /01 /janvier /2008 13:24
I spent the WE giving a Reiki 1 initiation to a new pupil whom I met in the TGV going to Lyon for X-Mas... It's been much harder than the previous ones with my dear pupils Zoé and Gwen!
The woman felt prepared but wasn't and  needed much healing before doing anything! She burst into  unstopable tears and spasms as I was treating her and it took me much sekf control to harmonize her as I was mostly thinking "that woman needs heavy therapy!"
But it eventually succeeded and we went on with the attunement. The day after, she came for yoga class... it wasn't the same woman! Her skin had changed colour and  was much clearer... I thought she had changed make up but had not! Her eyes were shining bright and her hair seemed alive!
Her arid personnality had given place to a generous, energetic woman! Astonishing!!
Hey! Am i not the Jedi?!!!
I'm still amazed at what Reiki can do, it's seems so euh... "new age" but works so well! Even I feel a little absurd while using it but eventually, the results speak for themselves!

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Oui oui!! En même temps je crois pas qu'il soit necessaire d'utiliser la magie pour évincer la Panafieuse!! ahhaha!
Les forces fondamentales de l'univers t'obéissent au doigt et à l'oeil. C'est bien. Pour les élections, tu pourras aussi les mobiliser ?